In chapter II of Goerss and Jardine's text on simplicial homotopy theory, they give a general theorem, Theorem 6.8, for transfer of simplicial model structures across a simplicial adjunction. This theorem generalizes Theorem 4.1, which concerns transfer of the standard simplicial model structure on $\operatorname{sSet}$ to the category $sC$ for some bicomplete category $C$. Theorem 6.8 says that given an adjunction $F:C\leftrightarrows D:G$ where $C$ is a $\beta$-cofibrantly-generated simplicial model category (for some cardinal $\beta$), $D$ is an arbitrary simplicial category, and $F$ preserves the simplicial tensoring, the simplicial model structure transfers provided three conditions hold:
$G$ preserves $\beta$-colimits;
If $f\in Mor(D)$ is in the saturation of $F(I)$, where $I$ is the set of generating fibrations for $C$, then $Gf$ is a cofibration;
A cofibration having the left lifting property with respect to all fibrations is a weak equivalence.
I'm trying to figure out why condition 2 is necessary. Conditions 1 and 3 are used in the standard fashion to do the small object argument, but the proof G&J outline makes no explicit use of 2. I went back to Theorem 4.1, and I couldn't find any use of a similar condition there, either. Intuitively, it doesn't really make sense to me: why should we care about the images of cofibrations under $GF$?
Is this condition truly necessary? If so, where and how is it used?