The question is a follow-up to this one.
Let $N\subset M$ be a closed smooth submanifold of codimension $k\geq 1$ of a smooth manifold $M$. Let $E_1\rightarrow M$ and $E_2\rightarrow M$ be two vector bundles over $M$. Suppose $E_1|_{M-N}\sim E_2|_{M-N}$. Is it true that $E_1|_N\sim E_2|_N$?
Can we impose some conditions on $k$ and $n=\dim M$ such that under the condition $E_1|_{M-N}\sim E_2|_{M-N}$, we can conclude $E_1\sim E_2$? (a counter example for this statement in general is provided by $E_1=T\mathbb{S}^1\rightarrow\mathbb{S}^1,E_2=\text{mobius}\rightarrow\mathbb{S}^1$ and $N=\{\cdot\}$) (the difference with the previous question is that $M$ and $M-N$ are generally not homotopic).