Consider algebraic actions of unipotent groups $G$ on affine spaces $X=\mathbb{C}^n$. I am looking for a condition that would guarantee that the quotient $X/G$ exists and is also an affine space. For instance:
Suppose $X$ is itself isomorphic to a unipotent group and $G$ acts via compositions of left translations with group automorphisms. Suppose the action is such that every point of $X$ has trivial stabilizer. Is it true that $X/G$ is isomorphic to affine space?
UPDATE: It turns out, by replacing $X/G$ with $G\backslash X\rtimes A/A$ where $A$ is the image of $G$ in the group of automorphisms of $X$, the question is reduced to the corresponding question for double cosets, which is again a special case of the original question. So here is an equivalent question:
Suppose a unipotent group $G$ contains unipotent subgroups $G_1, G_2$ such that $G_1\cap x G_2 x^{-1} = \{e\}$ for all $x\in G$. Is the double coset space $G_1 \backslash G / G_2$ isomorphic to affine space?