Let $F:\mathbf{Comp}\to\mathbf{Set}$ be a continuous functor from the category of compact Hausdorff spaces to the category of sets such that $|Fn|\le\mathfrak c$ for any finite ordinal $n$. The continuity of $F$ means that $F$ preserves limits of inverse spectra.
Typical examples of such a functor $F$ are the functors of countable power, of the hyperspace, or of spaces of probability measures.
I am interested in validity of the following functorial version of the Jensen Diamond principle:
$\diamondsuit_F$: there exists a transfinite sequence $\langle \mu_\alpha:\alpha\in\omega_1\rangle$ such that
$\bullet$ $\mu_\alpha\in F(2^{\alpha})$ for every $\alpha\in\omega_1$;
$\bullet$ for every $\mu\in F(2^{\omega_1})$ the set $\{\alpha\in\omega_1:\mu_\alpha=F\pi_\alpha(\mu)\}$ is stationary in $\omega_1$.
Here $\pi_\alpha:2^{\omega_1}\to 2^\alpha$, $\pi_\alpha:f\mapsto f{\restriction}\alpha$, is the projection onto the $\alpha$th face of $2^{\omega_1}$.
Observation. The classical Jensen Diamond Principle is just $\diamondsuit_{Id}$ for the identity functor $Id$. It is equivalent to the Principle $\diamondsuit_{Id^\omega}$ for the functor $Id^\omega$ of countable power. Using the Parovichenko Theorem, it can be shown that the Jensen Diamond Principle is equivalent to $\diamondsuit_{\exp}$ for the functor $\exp$ of hyperspace.
I am interested in $\diamondsuit_P$ for the functor $P$ of probability measures.
Problem. Does $\diamondsuit_P$ follow from the Jensen diamond principle? Or it is a stronger statement (still holding in the Constructible Universe)?