Suppose $X,Y$ and $Z$ are random elements on $(\Omega,\mathcal{A},\mathit{P})$ taking values in the Borel spaces $U,V$ and $V$ respectively. Moreover, let $\mathcal{F}\subset \mathcal{A}$ be a $\sigma-$field, and assume that regular versions $\mu$, $\nu$ of the conditional distributions $P[Y\in\cdot|\mathcal{F}]$ and $P[Z\in\cdot|\mathcal{F}]$ respectively exist. Now, if $X$ is $\mathcal{F}$ measurable $f:U\times V\to\mathbb{R}$ is measurable and bounded, do the following implications hold?
$Y\,\bot_\mathcal{F}Z\hspace{5pt}\Longrightarrow f(X,Y)\,\perp_\mathcal{F}f(X,Z)$
where $\perp_\mathcal{F}$ denotes conditional independence with respect to $\mathcal{F}$,
$Y$ and $Z$ have the same conditional distribution with respect to $\mathcal{F}$ a.s. $\Longrightarrow$
$f(X,Y)$ and $f(X,Z)$ have the same conditional distribution with respect to $\mathcal{F}$ a.s.
My attempt:
By hypothesis, we have $\mu(A)=\nu(A)$ a.s. for $A\in\mathcal{A}$. This implies $$ \int_\Omega f\, d\mu=\int_\Omega f\,d\nu\hspace{5pt}\text{a.s.} $$ Therefore, by disintegration
$$ \mathit{P}(f(X,Y)\in A|\mathcal{F})=\int I_A(f(X,y))\,\mu(dy)=\int f(X,y)\,\nu(dy)=\mathit{P}(f(X,Z)\in A|\mathcal{F}), $$ where the equalities hold a.s. This proves 2.) (I think :)).
In order to prove 1.) via disintegration, I require $$ (\mu\otimes\nu)(C)=\mathit{P}[(Y,Z)\in C|\mathcal{F}]\hspace{5pt}\text{a.s. for}\hspace{5pt}C\in V\otimes V. $$ where $\mu\otimes\nu$ is the pointwise product measure and $V\otimes V$ is the product $\sigma$-field. However, I am unsure whether this holds.
I appreciate any feedback.