Real world problem alert: I am moving from my house to another one, and the problem below arised when I tried to fit some little boxes of various shapes into a large box:
We are given a positive integer $n$ and $3$-tuples consisting of positive rationals $(w_i, l_i, h_i)$ for $i \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$. For each $i$, the tuple $(w_i, l_i, h_i)$ represents a box of width $w_i$, length $l_i$, and height $h_i$.
We want to put these $n$ boxes into one big box of rational dimensions $(W, L, H)$ such that the volume $W\cdot L\cdot H$ of the big box is minimal.
Is the problem of finding (one possible choice of) $(W,L,H)$, such that $WLH$ is minimized, computable?
EDIT. Thanks to Reid Barton and Tony Huynh for their comments below. The boxes can be rotated arbitrarily.