Let $G$ be a finite group and let $X$ be a complex algebraic set equipped with an action of $G$ via biregular isomorphisms $\alpha_g$, $g \in G$. Let $x$ be a point of $X$ which is fixed by the action of $G$. I want to understand the proof of the following fact : if $x$ is a nonsingular point of $X$ then $x$ is a nonsingular point of the fixed point set $X^G$.
Actually, I found a proof in the book Algebraic Groups: The Theory of Group Schemes of Finite Type over a Field
of J. S. Milne (Theorem 13.7), which follows the proof of the article A Fixed Point Formula for Action of Tori on Algebraic Varieties
by B. Iversen. I well understand the most part of the proof of Milne's book, however I do not understand the proof of Lemma 13.4 : why is the local ring of $X^G$ at $x$ the quotient of the local ring of $X$ at $x$ by the ideal $\mathfrak{a} := \{f - f \circ \alpha_g~|~f \in m, g \in G\} (= \{f - f \circ \alpha_g~|~f \in \mathcal{O}_{X,x}, g \in G\})$ ?
More precisely, I well understand why, for any local algebra $R$, $Hom(\mathcal{O}_{X,x}/\mathfrak{a},R)$ is isomorphic to $Hom(\mathcal{O}_{X,x},R)^G$ but I do not understand why this fact implies the equality between $\mathcal{O}_{X^G,x}$ and $\mathcal{O}_{X,x}/\mathfrak{a}$.
Thanks for any help !