I'm reading 《Algebraic geometry and statistical learning theory》.My problem is why the Fisher information matrix is equal to the Hessian matrix of the Kullback–Leibler distance at the true parameter?In the page 8
1 Answer
$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\p}{\partial}$
Let $(p_w)_{w\in W}$ be a family of pdfs, where $W$ is an open subset of $\R^k$. Take any $w_*\in W$. The Kullback-–Leibler "distance" from $w=(w_1,\dots,w_k)\in W$ to $w_*$ is \begin{equation} d(w):=D(w,w_*):=\int p_{w_*} \ln\frac{p_{w_*}}{p_{w}}. \end{equation} Letting $\p_j:=\frac{\p}{\p w_j}$ and assuming regularity conditions allowing the necessary differentiation with respect to the parameter $w$ under the integral sign, we have \begin{equation} \p_j d(w)=-\int p_{w_*} \frac{\p_j p_w}{p_{w}}, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \p_i\p_j d(w)|_{w=w_*}=\int p_{w_*} \Big(\frac{\p_i p_w\,\p_j p_w}{p_w^2} -\frac{\p_i\p_j p_w}{p_w}\Big)\Big|_{w=w_*} =\int\frac{\p_i p_w\,\p_j p_w}{p_{w_*}}\Big|_{w=w_*}=I_{ij}(w_*), \end{equation} the $ij$-entry of the Fisher information matrix $I(w_*)$, as desired. Here $i,j=1,\dots,k$, and we used the following: \begin{equation} \int p_{w_*} \frac{\p_i\p_j p_w}{p_w}\Big|_{w=w_*} =\int (\p_i\p_j p_w)|_{w=w_*}=\Big(\p_i\p_j\int p_w\Big)\Big|_{w=w_*}=\p_i\p_j 1=0. \end{equation}