I can't understand the proofs of propositions 2.6 and 4.2 in https://www3.nd.edu/~wgd/Dvi/SimplicialLocalizations.pdf
We have a category $C$ and a family of maps $W$, and we define the standard resolution $F_*C$ of $C$ as in definition 2.5 and the simplicial localization $LC$ of $C$ with respect to $W$ as in definition 4.1. There is then a natural map $\varphi_*:F_*C \rightarrow C$ defined in 2.5.
Proposition 2.6 states "the map $\varphi_*:F_*C \rightarrow C$ is a weak homotopy equivalence". Proposition 4.2 states "$\pi_0LC=C[W^{-1}] $".
In 2.6 the proof they suggest involves a "contracting homotopy" which I can't define. How can I write this explicitly? And how is it related to the weak equivalence of categories?
In 4.2 they give no indication and I tried to extend the equivalence in 2.6 to an equivalence between the simplicial localization and the ordinary localization, in order to obtain the result simply applying $\pi_0$, but I don't know how to write it down formally.