In mathematics, it is very common to turn one object into another by removing some structure. For example, you may turn a field into a ring and then into an abelian group if you ignore division and multiplication. I believe forgetting is the standard term here.
It is also possible to add some structure (though mathematicians normally do not like this and only do it when there is a very good reason). For example, you may turn the euclidean plane $\mathbb{E}^2$ into the Cartesian product $\mathbb{R}^2$ if you promote a point into the origin and draw two lines through it. Or you can make a smooth manifold into a Riemannian one.
I have two questions about this stuff. Is there a standard name for this operation? And, what is the correct (coherent, conceptual, etc) treatment of it? I have no clue, for example, how to properly describe it in categorical terms (as opposed to the former case where it is a very well known forgetful functor).