Obsolete answer to initial version of OP. (and, to set the record straight: there was an error in my answer, and Mikhail Tikhomirov's was the only correct answer. The original version of the OP allowed empty graphs as the targets in the mapping property that the OP was asking for, and the only graph which admits a graph-homomorphism to the empty graph is the empty graph. Symbolically, the slice category $\mathsf{IrreflexiveSymmetricBinaryRelationsWithGraphHomomorphisms}/(\{\},\{\})$ equals the full subcategory consisting of the sole object $(\{\},\{\})$. It was wrong in my hasty answer to claim that the one-vertex graphs are weakly-initial: they are not, since they do not map into the empty graph. I will leave the answer as it is, for several reasons, yet will add a a warning.
Echoing Mikhail Tikhomirov's answer a bit: the answer to the question in the OP is evidently yes: EDIT: (what comes next is wrong) the (still: proper) class of one-vertex graphs (i.e., isomorphic copies of $K^1$) is the class of weakly initial objects of the category implicit in the OP, ENDOFWRONGSTATEMENT and [the following was true as long as the OP still allowed non-connected graphs; the empty graph is not connected] the empty graph is its unique initial object.