
This is an update of an older question, suggested in this comment by Zach Teitler.

Let $R$ be a ring with more than 1 element, and let $A$ be a non-empty set. We call a map $c:R\to A$ an ideal coloring if for every nonempty ideal $I$ with more than $2$ elements $c|_{I\setminus\{0\}}$ is not constant (that is, the non-null elements of every ideal with sufficiently many points receive at least 2 "colors").

Note that the map $c:\mathbb{Z}\to\{0,1\}$ such that $c(z) = 1$ if $z = y^2$ for some $y\in\mathbb{Z}$, and $c(z) = 0$ otherwise is an ideal coloring. (Thanks to Zach Teitler for pointing this out.)

Is there a ring that can be colored with $3$ colors, but not with $2$ colors?

  • $\begingroup$ As soon as your ring is a domain that contains both squares and non-squares, the map you gave will give a 2-coloring. Thus, you are looking for a ring $R$ in which the equation $x^2 = a$ has a solution for every $a \in R$. This rules out most of the rings I know, so I can't give you an example. However, a quick google search brought up the concept of "algebraic closed rings" (that are not fields), something I haven't heard of yet - maybe you can find your example there. $\endgroup$
    – Dirk
    Commented Jul 24, 2017 at 8:09

1 Answer 1


There are such rings. I will give a nonunital example first, then explain how to modify it to a unital example.

Given a colored ring, I call an ideal monochromatic if all nonzero elements have the same color. I call a coloring of a ring valid if no ideal of more than $2$-elements is monochromatic.

First example. (A nonunital ring with a valid 3-coloring, but no valid 2-coloring.)

Consider $\mathbb Z_2^3$ considered as a ring with zero multiplication. Suppose that its nonzero elements are colored red or blue. I first argue that there must be three distinct elements $x, y, z$ of the same color such that $x+y=z$.

Let $R$ be the subset of red elements, and $B$ be the subset of blue elements. We may assume that $|R|\geq |B|$. Since $R\cup B\cup \{0\}$ has $8$ elements, $|R|\geq |B|$ implies that $|R|\geq 4$. Choose $r\in R$, and apply the function $x\mapsto x+r$ to the subset $R$. If there do not exist distinct red $x, y, z$ such that $x+y=z$, then $R+r\subseteq B\cup \{0\}$. Since $x\mapsto x+r$ is a permutation of order $2$, $R+r = B\cup \{0\}$, and $(B\cup\{0\})+r=R$. The choice $r\in R$ was arbitrary, so $R+R=B\cup\{0\}$, $R+B\subseteq R$, and so $B+B\subseteq B\cup\{0\}$. Thus, if $x, y\in B-\{0\}$ are distinct and $z=x+y$, then $x, y, z$ are distinct and all blue.

Now the ideals of $\mathbb Z_2^3$ are the same as its subgroups, because we chose the multiplication to be trivial. Choose any $2$-coloring of $\mathbb Z_2^3$, then find distinct $x, y, z$ of the same color such that $x+y=z$. $I=\{0,x, y, z\}$ is a monochromatic ideal, so the $2$-coloring is not valid.

The above argument shows that no $2$-coloring of $\mathbb Z_2^3$ is valid. It is easy to product a valid $3$-coloring: $R=\{(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)\}, B=\{(1,1,0),(1,0,1)\}, G=\{(0,1,1),(1,1,1)\}$. (Each color colors an independent set.)

Second example. (A unital ring with a valid 3-coloring, but no valid 2-coloring.)

I formally adjoin a unit to the first example. The ring $\mathcal R$ is $\mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z_2^3$.

All subgroups of $\mathbb Z_2^3$ are again ideals, so the argument for the nonunital example above works here to show that there is no valid $2$-coloring of $\mathcal R$. To produce a valid $3$-coloring, use the $3$-coloring of the previous example to $3$-color the elements of $\mathbb Z_2^3\subseteq \mathcal R$. Extend this coloring to all of $\mathcal R$ by coloring $m+z\in\mathcal R\;(=\mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z_2^3)$ red if $m$ is positive and blue if $m$ is negative. \\\


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