I am getting myself acquainted to superalgebras. One often comes across odd polynomial rings of the form
$$k\langle x_i \rangle_{i\in I} / (x_ix_j -(-1)^{|x_i||x_j|} x_jx_i)$$
for some index set $I$, where the relation divided out sometimes is required for all choices of $i, j$ (which implies $x_i^2=0$ if $x_i$ is odd), and sometimes this is only required for $i\neq j$ (for instance in the definition 2.1.1 of the odd NilHecke Algebra in https://arxiv.org/abs/1111.1320).
Question: How do I know when $x_i^2$ should be assumed to vanish?
Edit: Maybe I should clarify why I care. For perfectly supersymmetric algebras, I have nice identities how to drag tensor factors and morphisms past elements. It seems that this gets highly problematic if some elements are not assumed to anticommute with themselves. So why should one consider this?