Consider an arbitrary linear program:
$$\max \vec c \cdot \vec x$$
subject to:
$$\textbf{A}\cdot \vec x = 0, \quad \vec a \le \vec x \le \vec b$$
Assume that this program is feasible and bounded. Now suppose I perturb the bounds by small amounts:
$$\vec a' = \vec a + \delta \vec p, \quad \vec b' = \vec b + \delta \vec q$$
where $\vec p,\vec q$ are unit vectors and $\delta > 0$. Assume that the modified problem remains feasible and bounded.
Prove or disprove: For arbitrary $\epsilon > 0$, there exists a $\delta > 0$ such that there exist optimal solutions $\vec x, \vec x'$ to the original and perturbed linear programs (respectively) satisfying $|\vec x - \vec x'| < \epsilon$.
Extra: Is there a way to define uniform continuity in this context, such that Linear Programming is, or isn't, uniformly continuous?