Reference: Atiyah & Bott, The moment map and Equivariant cohomology
Question: What could be the motivation and the intuition behind the construction of the space $M_G=EG\times _G M$? When I am studying the equivariant cohomology, I have no idea about why we would like to define the equivariant cohomology as the ordinary cohomology of $M_G$.
A simple case is, if $G$ is a compact Lie group and acts freely on $M$, then $M_G$ is simply $M/G$, the space of all $G$-orbits.
But, in general cases, how to understand the picture of $M_G$? And, how does $M_G$ relate to $M/G$?
For example, take $G=S^1\times S^1$ and $M=\mathbb P^1$, and the action is given by $(t_0,t_1): [x,y]\mapsto [t_0x, t_1y]$. Then this action is not free and it has two fixed point $[1,0]$ and $[0,1]$. In this case, what is the difference between $M/G$ and $M_G$?