We adopt common notations in the study of Szemerédi's regularity lemma and only focus on simple graph $G(V,E)$. For any two disjoint vertex sets $A,B\subset V$, we say the pair $(A,B)$ is $\varepsilon-$regular if for every $X\subset A$, $Y\subset B$ satisfying $|X|>\varepsilon|A|$ and $|Y|>\varepsilon|B|$, we have $$|d(X,Y)-d(A,B)|<\varepsilon,$$ where $d(X,Y)$ is the density defined by$$d(X,Y)=\frac{e(X,Y)}{|X||Y|}$$ and $e(X,Y)$ is the number of edges between $X$ and $Y$.
Here,I have difficult to prove the following Intersection Property:
Let $(A,B)$ be an $\varepsilon-$regular pair with density $d$. If $Y\subset B$ and $(d-\varepsilon)^l|Y|>\varepsilon|B|$ for some $l\geq1$, then $$\#\{(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_l):x_i\in A,\left|Y\cap(\cap_{i=1}^lN(x_i))\right|\leq(d-\varepsilon)^l|Y|\}\leq l\varepsilon|A|^l,$$ where $N(x)$ is the set of neighbors of the vertex $x$.
Maybe the following fact will give some hints but I still don't know how to use it.
Let $(A,B)$ be an $\varepsilon-$regular pair with density $d$. Then for any $Y\subset B$, $|Y|>\varepsilon|B|$ we have $$\#\{x\in A: \left|Y\cap N(x)\right|\leq(d-\varepsilon)|Y|\}\leq \varepsilon|A|.$$
Apparently, this fact is special case of Intersection Property when $l=1$.