Let's say I have a sequence of random variables $X_n$ such that $$\mathbf E X_n^k = \mathbf E X^k+O(a_k/\sqrt{n})\quad\text{for all }k\in\mathbb N,\tag{$\ast$}$$ where $X$ is a random variable of standard (zero mean, unit variance) Gaussian distribution and $a_k$ are some constants which typically grow with $k$ (for my purposes they would be $a_k=(k/2)!$, for example).
Since the normal distribution is uniquely determined by its moments $(\ast)$ implies that $X_n\Rightarrow X$ weakly, as $n\to\infty$.
Is there an appropriate way to formalize the distance $d$ between the distributions of $X_n$ and $X$, such that $(\ast)$ implies $$d(X_n,X)=O(f(n))$$ for some function $f$? I think $(\ast)$ is not strong enough to control distance measures like the Kullback-Leibler divergence or the Hellinger distance, but there might be some appropriate weaker notion?
I think that $(\ast)$ implies $$\mathbf E f(X_n)=\mathbf E f(X)+O(1/\sqrt{n})$$ for a small class of test functions $f$, but depending on the growth of $a_k$, this class might be vary small.