I'm trying to do the following exercise from Brown and Ozawa's book.
Exercise $3.5.1.$ Let $\varphi: A \to B(H)$ and $\psi: B \to B(H)$ be c.p. maps with commuting ranges. Show that there exists a c.p. map $\varphi \times_{max} \psi: A \otimes_{max} B \to B(H)$ such that $\varphi \times_{max} \psi(a\otimes b)=\varphi(a)\psi(b)$ for all $a\in A$ and $b\in B$.
Maybe it worth mention that I didn't read the chapters regarding c.p. maps and I know just Stinespring Theorem and the definition of c.p. maps.
So, I'm afraid this is the reason that no solution coming to my mind.
However, I hope that I just need to use continuity of tensor products, Stinespring Theorem + "lifting of commutant", and universality of the maximal tensor product.
However, I don't know how to collect the above to solution.
I prefer a hint than a full-solution,
Thank you!