Suppose $X, U \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times r}$, $n>r$, where $U$ is a fixed matrix and $X$ is a variable, and both are of full column ranks. Let $\mathfrak{R} = \{ \Psi \in \mathbb{R}^{r \times r}: \Psi \Psi^\top = \Psi^\top \Psi = I_r \}$ be the set of rotation matrices in dimension $r$. Also suppose there exists constants $c_1,c_2 >0$ such that $X$ satisifes:
(a) $\|X\|_2 > c_1$: this implies that $X$ is away from the zero matrix.
(b) $\min_{\Psi \in \mathfrak{R}} \|X-U \Psi\|_F > c_2$: this implies that $X$ is away from $U$ (after the best possible rotation).
Given condition (a) and (b), can we find a constant $c_3 > 0$ (probably in terms of $c_1$ and $c_2$) such that the following holds? \begin{align} &\|(XX^\top - UU^\top)X\|_F > c_3 \end{align}
Remark: We have from (b) that $\|XX^\top - UU^\top \|_F > c_4$. You may use this instead of (b). You may also use other norms/singular value conditions in (a) and (b) if that helps.