I was reading the section about sites in the Stacks Project. Small sites are studied only in few cases, but I don't get why. As some users say, it's because of this.
If $f: X\to Y$ is a morphism of schemes, it's known it's not generally true that the small fppf inverse image functor $f^{-1}$ is exact, as opposed to $f_{small, etale}^{-1}$, $f_{small, Zariski}^{-1}$, $f_{small, crystalline}^{-1}$, and all the big inverse images.
Any explicit counterexample for $f^{-1}_{small, fppf}$, $f^{-1}_{small, smooth}$, $f^{-1}_{small, syntomic}$, etc. ?
Related - Leo Alonso's comment to Etale site is useful - examples of using the small fppf site?
Also related - Why is lack of functoriality of the Lisse-Etale topology specific to the Lisse-Etale topology?
It'd be nice to collect some examples here.
EDIT. Merlin's example says it all. $f^{-1}_{small, *}$ is not exact for $*\in\{smooth, syntomic,fppf, fpqc, Lisse-\acute{E}t, Flat-fppf\}$, so this is why Grothendieck switches to big sites, as Leo Alonso says in his comment (see first link).