Let $V$ be a vector space and $V^*$ the dual vector space. Let $T(V)$ be the tensor algebra of $V$.
The algebras $T(V)$ and $T(V^* \otimes V)$ are bialgebras. I am trying to find some bialgebra structure on the crossed product $T(V) \rtimes T(V^* \otimes V)$. There are natural multiplication and comultiplication in $T(V) \rtimes T(V^* \otimes V)$ defined as follows.
The multiplication in $T(V) \rtimes T(V^* \otimes V)$ is defined as: for $a, b, v, w, v', w' \in V$, \begin{align} & (a \sharp (v^* \otimes w))(b \sharp (v'^* \otimes w')) \\ & = a (v^* \otimes w)_{(1)}(b) \sharp (v^* \otimes w)_{(2)} (v'^* \otimes w') \\ & = a (v^* \otimes I_{(1)})(b) \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes w) (v'^* \otimes w'), \end{align} where $I = I_{(1)} \otimes I_{(2)} = \sum_j v_j \otimes v_j^*$, $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ is a basis of $V$.
The comultiplication on $T(V) \rtimes T(V^* \otimes V)$ is given by: for $u, v, w \in V$, \begin{align} & \Delta( u \sharp (v^* \otimes w) ) \\ & = (u_{(1)} \sharp (u_{(2)})_{(1)} (v^* \otimes w)_{(1)} ) \otimes ( (u_{(2)})_{(0)} (v^* \otimes w)_{(2)} ) \\ & = (u_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes u_{(2)})(v^* \otimes I_{(1)})) \otimes (I_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes w)) \\ & = (u_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} v^* \otimes u_{(2)} I_{(1)}) ) \otimes (I_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes w)). \end{align} Here we use the coaction of $T(V)$ on $T(V^* \otimes V)$ given by \begin{align} T(V) & \to T(V) \otimes T(V^* \otimes V) \\ v & \mapsto I_{(1)} \otimes (I_{(2)} \otimes v) = v_{(0)} \otimes v_{(1)}. \end{align}
If we want $T(V) \rtimes T(V^* \otimes V)$ to be a bialgebra, then the comultiplication is a homomoprhism of algebras and we should have \begin{align} \Delta( (1 \sharp (v^* \otimes w)) (u \sharp 1) ) = \Delta( 1 \sharp (v^* \otimes w) ) \Delta( u \sharp 1). \end{align} The left hand side is \begin{align} & \Delta( (1 \sharp (v^* \otimes w)) (u \sharp 1) ) \\ & = \Delta( (v^* \otimes I_{(1)})(u) \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes w) ) \\ & = ( ((v^* \otimes I_{(1)})(u))_{(1)} \sharp ( I_{(2)} I_{(2)} \otimes ((v^* \otimes I_{(1)})(u))_{(2)} I_{(1)} ) ) \otimes (I_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes w)). \quad (1) \end{align} The right hand side is \begin{align} & \Delta( 1 \sharp (v^* \otimes w) ) \Delta( u \sharp 1) \\ & = ( (1 \sharp (I_{(2)} v^* \otimes I_{(1)}) ) \otimes (I_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes w)) ) ( (u_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes u_{(2)} I_{(1)}) ) \otimes (I_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes 1)) ) \\ & = ( (1 \sharp (I_{(2)} v^* \otimes I_{(1)}) ) (u_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes u_{(2)} I_{(1)}) ) \otimes ( (I_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes w)) (I_{(1)} \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes 1)) ) \\ & = ( (I_{(2)} v^* \otimes I_{(1)})( u_{(1)} ) \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes I_{(1)}) (I_{(2)} \otimes u_{(2)} I_{(1)}) ) \otimes ( I_{(1)} (I_{(2)} \otimes I_{(1)})(I_{(1)}) \sharp (I_{(2)} \otimes w) (I_{(2)} \otimes 1) ) \\ & = ( (I_{(2)} v^* \otimes I_{(1)})( u_{(1)} ) \sharp (I_{(2)} I_{(2)} \otimes I_{(1)} u_{(2)} I_{(1)} ) \otimes ( I_{(1)} (I_{(2)} \otimes I_{(1)})(I_{(1)}) \sharp (I_{(2)} I_{(2)} \otimes w) ). \quad (2) \end{align} But it seems that (1) and (2) do not equal?
My question is: are there some multiplication and comultiplication in $T(V) \rtimes T(V^* \otimes V)$ such that $T(V) \rtimes T(V^* \otimes V)$ is a bialgebra? Any references, comments will be greatly appreciated!