I have a quadratically constrained quadratic programming/optimization problem involving kind-of piece-wise quadratic functions $f_n (x_m)=a_{n,m} (x_m-\theta_n)^2$, if $|x_m-\theta_n|<c$; $c^2a_{n.m}$, elsewhere. $a_{n,m}>0$, $x_m$ are the variables.
The objective is to minimize $\sum_m (g_m)$, with respect to $x_m$, subject to $g_m=\sum_n (f_n(x_m)) <= r_m, m=1,..., M, n=1,...,N$. $M=N$ for simplicity.
If $f_n(x_m)$ is just a quadratic function, this problem can be solved straightforwardly. However when it is piece-wise, I am not sure how to solve this.
Anyone that can help to provide a hint will be very appreciated.