In my quest of "understanding" stacks, I recently tried to figure out the structure of a smooth algebraic stack of finite type $\mathcal X$ over $\mathbb C$ with affine diagonal and precisely one $\mathbb C$-object up to isomorphism. Unless I'm not mistaken, it is not hard to see that $\mathcal X$ is isomorphic to $BG$ for some affine finite type (smooth) group scheme $G$ over $\mathbb C$.
On the other hand, it seems natural to wonder about the following "exercise":
What is the structure of a smooth algebraic stack of finite type $\mathcal X$ over $\mathbb C$ with affine diagonal and precisely two $\mathbb C$-objects up to isomorphism?
It could be the disjoint union of $BG$ with another $BG'$, but it could also be a connected stack such as $[\mathbb A^1/\mathbb G_m]$. Are these the only possibilities up to isomorphism? Or is there more?