
As we know Hermitian Symmetric spaces of compact type are all Fano picard number one, we can talk about his Fano index. Suppose $X$ is one of those Hermitian symmetric spaces, $L$ is the generator of the $Pic(X)$ and $K_X$ is the canonical bundle of $X.$ Hence $K_X=rL$, where $r$ is a negative integer.

My question is what is $r$ in each case of Hermitian symmetric spaces (i.e. for Grassmannians, orthogonal Grassmannians, symplectic Grassmanians, quadrics and two exceptional classes).


1 Answer 1


You can get the numbers "r" from Table 1 page 612 of the following paper:


If you are not used with the notation you can find useful Remark (1.6) to distinguish the Hermitian symmetric spaces. For example, the number "r" for the two exceptional ones are : -12 for the 16 dimensional and -18 for the 27 dimensional one.

Table 1 comes from a paper by Borel&Hirzebruch. So perhaps it is a good idea to have a look to this original paper.


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