Let $P \to X$ be a principal $G-$bundle and let $f: X \to BG$ be its classifying map. As I understand there's some way to associate a monodromy representation $\pi_1(X) \to G$ to it. I know how to construct such a presentation out of a principal connection on $P$ by taking an appropriate quotient of the holonomy representation but I failed in the past weeks to find a source that defines a purely topological construction of this representation.
Question 1: Where can I find the definition and some elementary topological treatment of the monodromy representation associated to a principal bundle?
Extending the classifying map $f$ to a fiber sequence gives:
$$\cdots\to \Omega G \to \Omega E_f \to \Omega X\to G \to E_f \to X \to BG$$
Where $E_f=\{(x,\gamma)\in X \times Y^I:\gamma(1)=f(x)\}$.
Question 2: How is the map $\Omega X \to G$ above related to the usual notion of monodromy represnetation (which i'm unfamiliar with) of the the principal bundle $P\to X?$ How does it relate to the holonomy representation of a given connection?
My naive attempt continues by taking the fundamental group of the sequence above to get the following long exact sequence of groups:
$$\cdots \to \pi_2(G) \to \pi_2(E_f) \to \pi_2(X)\to \pi_1(G) \to \pi_1(E_f) \to \pi_1(X) \to \pi_0(G)$$
Since the procedure was very natural I imagine the above sequence must yield some important information about the principal bundle at hand. For example ff $X$ is weakly contractible the above gives another motivation for why every fiber bundle on $X$ is trivial.
Question 3: To what extent does the above "higher monodromy sequence" determine the principal bundle $P \to X$?