I have reduced a problem I'm working on to something resembling a graph theory problem, and my limited intuition tells me that it's not so esoteric that only I could have ever considered it. I'm looking to see if someone knows of any related work. Here's the problem:
Given a roadway map (directed graph) and a set of sensor activations that reports how many vehicles were on each edge at a given time, generate as many sets of routes (i.e. source edge, sink edge, and start-time) that would explain the given sensor activations as possible.
Here is a trivial approach: Create a source and sink for each edge, and generate/consume as much traffic is needed to satisfy the count at that edge for that time-slice.
The trivial case is useless to me, as I'm trying to study the dependencies across multiple intersections and multiple time-slices. What I need is a likely explanation, where the routes resemble the kind of routes that actual drivers would choose, and where the distribution of trip lengths also makes sense.
If I could generate all such explanations, or at least a great number of them, I could then treat picking the "likely" one as a separate problem.
Is there an algorithm that might be applicable here?