Let $K$ be a number field and let $A$ be an abelian variety of dimension $g$ over $K$. Let $L$ be a CM field and suppose that $[L:{\bf Q}]=2g$. Suppose that there exists an embedding $\iota:L\hookrightarrow{\rm End}_K(A)\otimes{\bf Q}$, where ${\rm End}_K(A)$ is the ring of $K$-endomorphisms of $A$. I shall say that the couple $(A\to{\rm Spec}\ K,\iota)$ is an abelian variety with complex multiplication by $L$ over $K$.
My question is: what is the simplest proof of the fact that there is no abelian variety with complex multiplication by a CM field over $\bf Q$ ?
The fact that there is no such abelian variety is for instance a consequence of a theorem of Ribet, which says that if $B$ is an abelian variety over a number field $K$, then $B(K(\mu_{\infty}))_{\rm tors}$ is a finite group (see 'Torsion points on abelian varieties in cyclotomic extensions', appendix to: N. M. Katz and S. Lang, Finiteness theorems in geometric class field theory, Enseign. Math. 27 (1981), 285--319) but the proof of Ribet's theorem uses p-adic Hodge theory and I have the impression that using it to answer the above question is an overkill.