The epsilon induction looks like this: $\forall x \Big(\forall y (y \in x \rightarrow P(y)) \rightarrow P(x)\Big) \rightarrow \forall x P(x)$
Here, the quantifiers "run over" any sets and not only over ordinals, for which there are notions "successor" and "limit" used in transfinite induction (
Thus, the question can be made more precise if notions similar to "successor" and "limit" for any sets are defined. There is some similarity between unary successor operation for ordinals and the binary operation over any sets called "adjunction" denoted as ";" (semicolon) and defined like this: $x;y = x \cup ${$y$}. But any non-empty set X is a successor of a set, since $X = (X \setminus ${x}) ; x, for any element x of $X$.
My interest in adjunction is due to a theory of inheritably finite sets based on adjunction operation with one induction principle by Laurence Kirby
This theory has the negation of infinity axiom as an axiom as well as the axioms:
$ 0;x \ne 0, \ \ \ \ \ \ (1)$
$(x;y);y = x;y, \ \ \ \ (2)$
$(x;y);z = (x;z);y,\ \ \ (3)$
$(x;y);z = x;y \ \leftrightarrow \ x;z = x \vee z = y, \ (4)$
and the axiom scheme
$ P(0)\ \& \ \forall x y$ (P(x) & P(y) $\to P(x; y)) \to \forall x P(x). \ (5)$
Interestingly, in this theory, all regular set theoretic operations, including the unary union operation, are defined by induction. But probably, this principle cannot help defining this operation if the infinity axiom is postulated, and without the union operation a set theory sounds too poor.
Addition 1
To minimally modify the main text (since it was read by some participants of this forum), I just deleted its ending and labeled several axioms to make to them reference here, where I continue with comments clarifying the question.
The transfinite induction principle ( discusses about ordinals, and its condition is a conjunction of 3 formulas called "cases" - "zero case", "successor case", "limit case". These formulas discuss about three pairwise disjoint subclasses of the universe of discourse of set theory. By its form, the transfinite principle differs from the mathematical induction principle, which discusses about finite ordinals, without the limit case. One can say that Kirby extended the successor case so that it discusses about sets - hereditarily finite sets, and not only about finite ordinals.
Based on the above reasoning, the following hypothesis imposes as verisimilar: the condition of epsilon-induction which is about arbitrary sets (and not only about ordinals), can be also represented as a conjunction of 3 cases, discussing about 3 pairwise disjoint subclasses of the universe of discourse of set theory.
The induction principle is used in "proofs by induction", and such proofs employ different methods for each case. Therefore, if this hypothesis is a theorem in a set theory (in particular - an axiom), then this theorem will be a good contribution to proof theory for that set theory.
In search of a new form of induction principle, I proceed the manner described next. Suppose T is a theory with the axiom of infinity (and not its negation as in Kirby theory) and the axioms (1) - (4) of Kirby theory (but not also with the axiom scheme (5) of Kirby theory). For theory T, I present the induction principle with a condition which is the conjunction of three "cases" -- universal closures of these formulas:
Zero case: $P(0)$
Successor case: $\sigma(P)$
Limit case: $\lambda(P)$,
Here, $\sigma(P)$ and $\lambda(P)$ are built of terms like "P(x)", where the expression "to be built of" has the same meaning as the expression "$ (P(x) \& P(y) \to P(x; y))$ is built of $P(x)$" in (5) -- I am not sure how they would say this in logic.
Now, I am looking for the formulas $\sigma(P)$ and $\lambda(P)$. "Unfortunately", "$ (P(x) \& P(y) \to P(x; y))$ cannot serve as $\sigma(P)$, because every non-empty set is described by this condition, so that this condition covers both the "successor case" and the "limit case". Thus, only a stronger condition than $ (P(x) \& P(y) \to P(x; y))$ can play the role of $\sigma(P)$, and then $\lambda(P)$ would be $\neg (P(0) \vee \lambda(P))$. But I did not find such a "successor case" stronger than Kerby's which would also make sense in set-theoretic conceptuality.
I am looking for a three case induction proceeding from Kirby theory only because this theory looks attractive to me due to its axioms which use an operation rather than the relation of membership (notice, that $x ; y = y \ \leftrightarrow \ x \ \epsilon \ y$, and thus the membership relation can be expressed in this theory). But my question is wider than the question which makes reference to Kirby theory.