Consider a stochastic process $X_t$ , $t \in 1,2,3,..,N $.
$X_t$ is a Bernoulli variable and $\Pr(X_t=1) = p$ for all $t$. The Autocovariance function $\gamma(|s-t|)= E[(X_t - p)(X_s -p)]$ is given
$ \gamma(k) = \frac{1}{2} (|k-1|^{2H} - 2|k|^{2H} + |k+1|^{2H}). $
For a constant $H\in (0,1)$ This is the same autocovariance as for fractional gaussian noise (increments of the fractional brownian motion), and give a autocovariance which falls like a power law when $k$ goes to infinity.
Let X and Y be process with the given properties, I am interested in the following probability distribution:
$ \Pr\left(\sum_{i=0}^N X_i Y_i = k\right) $
That is the distribution of the overlap of two such processes. For $H=1/2$ the process is not correlated and I have the simple result that $\Pr(X_t Y_t)=p^2$, and that
$ \Pr\left(\sum_{i=0}^N X_i Y_i = k\right) = {N \choose k} p^{2k} (1-p^2)^{N-k}. $
But for $H\neq 1/2$, I do not know how to deal with the long range correlation. Is there a way to proceed on this problem? I regret i never took a class in Stochastic Analysis, and I really hope the question makes sense. Any help or input would be highly appreciated.