I didn't know that the proof of that fact was in McDuff-Salamon (in which one? Introduction to symplectic topology?).
You can also find it in Eliashberg-Mishachev, Introduction to the h-principle. There it is given as an application of the h-principle for Diff(V)-invariant open differential relations on open manifolds. The methods are not very hard, but they require a lot of time to get used to.
Here is the idea (the general proof is quite technical):
Suppose $\Omega$ is a ball. By your assumptions (I'm using some arguments that are trivial in this simple situation, but which are necessary in more general cases), you have close to the origin a family of non-degenerate $2$-forms $\omega_t$ (which are not necessarily closed).
Restricting to a small neighborhood of the origin, you can replace the family by a closed family ... choose for example the family of $2$-forms $\tilde \omega_t(x) := \omega_t(0)$ that are constant on $\Omega$.
(Again, because our situation is very simple, \omega_t(x) is defined for all of $\Omega$ but usually, this definition would only work on a small chart containing the origin).
We can smooth out the family $\tilde \omega_t(x)$ so that it agrees close to $t=0$ and $t=1$ with the initial family $\omega_t$.
This gives us now a new $2$-form $\tilde \omega_t$ that is defined for $t<\epsilon$ and $t>1-\epsilon$ on all of $\Omega$, and inbetween it is only defined in a small neighborhood of the origin.
The forms $\tilde \omega$ are all closed and non-degenerate, where they are defined.
Now you can use an isotopy on $\Omega$ that is the identity for $t=0$ and $t=1$, and compresses in between the whole of $\Omega$ into the small neighborhood of the origin on which $\tilde \omega_t$ is defined.
Pulling back the family $\tilde \omega_t$ with this isotopy gives you a globally defined family of symplectic forms that are everywhere defined and that agree with $\omega_0$ and $\omega_1$ respectively.
Hope this helped.