Let $Y(3)$ be the fine moduli space (say, over $\mathbb{C}$) representing elliptic curves equipped with a full level 3 structure. Abstractly, there are 24 such structures for any elliptic curve, but thanks to every elliptic curve having $[-1]$ as an automorphism, there are generically only 12 equivalence classes. Thus, the natural map $Y(3)\rightarrow\text{Spec }\mathbb{C}[j]$ to the $j$-line is generically 12-to-1.
On the other hand, the "forget structure" map $Y(3)\rightarrow\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$ is finite etale and has geometric fibers of size 24, so I would think of it as a 24-to-1 map.
And yet, I can only imagine the composition $Y(3)\rightarrow \mathcal{M}_{1,1}\rightarrow \text{Spec }\mathbb{C}[j]$ to be the same as the 12-to-1 map described above.
Please, so that my christmas isn't ruined trying to figure out if I've been operating on a huge misunderstanding for the last year, can someone tell me that this apparent contradiction is because the morphism from $\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$ to the $j$-line isn't representable and hence it doesn't make much sense to talk about degree? (I've unravelled the definition and I think I've convinced myself that the map isn't representable, but I would still like to confirm that this is the cause of the apparent contradiction)