When you peel a vegetable, such as a potato or a cucumber, you usually remove its head, then contiually remove parts of its skin, until you remain with the pulp alone. I would like to formalize this process.
For concreteness, let's assume that the vegetable is a planar polygon $V$, the head is a polygon contained in $V$ (grey in the image below) and the pulp is another polygon contained in $V$ and disjoint from the head (green):
A peeling function is a function $P(t)$, from $[0,1]$ to subsets of $V$, with the following properties:
- $P(0)$ is the head;
- $P(1)$ is the complement of the pulp;
- $P(t)$ is monotonically increasing with $t$, i.e. if $t'>t$ then $P(t')\supset P(t)$;
- For every $t\in[0,1]$, both $P(t)$ and $V\setminus P(t)$ are connected polygons (possibly with holes).
The following image shows (in grey) six values of a possible peeling function on the example vegetable:
Does a peeling function always exist?
A necessary condition for its existence is that its values in 0 and 1 fulfil the connectivity requirement. This requires that the head, the pulp and their complements are all connected polygons. Equivalently, the head and the pulp are simply-connected.
If the head and the pulp are simply-connected, does there always exist a peeling function?
EDIT: I asked a simpler question in Math.SE. Rahul's answer seem to be relevant here.