Let $S=k[x_0,...,x_n]$ be the polynomial ring over a field $k$ and $f\in S$ non-zero and homogeneous. Is it true that $Ext^m(S/(f),S)$ is zero?
This would help me to show that $Ext^m(S/fI,S)\cong Ext^m(S/I,S)(\deg f)$ for $m\geq 2$ and a homogeneous ideal $I$ of codim $\geq 2$. I tried the following approach:
Applying the long exact sequence of $Ext$ to the exact sequence of graded $S$-modules
$$0\to S/I\xrightarrow{\cdot f} S/fI(\deg f)\xrightarrow{\tau}S/(f)(\deg f)\to 0,$$
where $\tau$ is the canonical morphism $s+fI\mapsto s+(f)$,
$$\ldots\to Ext^m(S/(f)(\deg f),S)\to Ext^m(S/fI(\deg f),S)\to Ext^m(S/I,S)\to$$
$$Ext^{m+1}(S/(f)(\deg f),S)\to Ext^{m+1}(S/fI(\deg f),S)\to Ext^{m+1}(S/I,S)\to\ldots$$
and two zeros on the left would suffice.