An additive cost function is defined as $c: \omega\times \omega \to \mathbb{Q}_2$ such that it is recursive, monotonic (i.e. $c(x+1,y)\leq c(x,y)\leq c(x,y+1)$ and $c(x,y)=0$ whenever $x\geq y$, the intuition is: the bigger the interval, the larger the cost) and for any $x,y,z, c(x,y)+c(y,z)=c(x,z)$. Another way to look at it is each additive cost function is associated with some left-c.e real $\beta=lim_s c(0,s)$ and $\forall x\leq t \ \ c(x,t)=\beta_t-\beta_s$. A $\Delta_2^0$ $A$ is said to abey a cost function if
There exists a recursive approximation $A_s$ such that $\Sigma_{\mbox{x is the least such that $A_{t-1}(x)\neq A_t$}} c(x,t) <\infty$
In Andre Nies' paper (Calculus of Cost function), the following equivalence is established:
(i) A is K-trivial. (ii) A obeys each additive cost function. (iii) A obeys $c_\Omega$ for the enumeration $\Omega_s=dom\mathbb{U}_s$. Where $\mathbb{U}$ is the universal prefix-free Turing machine.
It could be further observed that if we further require the $\Delta_2^0$ set to be recursively enumerable, then the equivalence proof does not need to use golden run method (as remarked below).
My question is: Is there a direct way of showing any recursive enumeration of a Turing complete set does not obey $c_\Omega$ or equivalently does not obey $c_\beta$ for some left-c.e. $\beta$? By saying "direct" I mean it does not need to involve golden run method since otherwise the obove equivalence plus the fact that K-trivial sets are Turing incomplete (the proof requires golden run as well!) would give a direct implication.
PS: Golden run method appeared in Nies' Lowness properties and randomness, It has relatively high proof-theoretical complexity.