This is a complement to Jim Humphreys' answer, describing the problem from the perspective of a general ground field $k$ (after some preliminaries over finite fields). Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over any field $k$, with connected semisimple derived group $G'$, and let $\widetilde{G}' \rightarrow G'$ be the simply connected central cover (over $k$!).
If $k$ is finite of characteristic $\ell$
then any $\ell$-subgroup of $G(k)$ may be regarded as a unipotent constant finite $k$-subgroup of $G$, so by a theorem of Borel and Tits (that is addressed in the MO question "homomorphisms of reductive groups") such subgroups lie in connected unipotent smooth closed $k$-subgroups of $G$. These are $k$-split since $k$ is perfect. By the Borel-Tits structure theory (over any field), split connected unipotent smooth closed $k$-subgroups lie in unipotent radicals of minimal parabolic $k$-subgroups, so for finite $k$ their groups of $k$-points are exactly the Sylow $\ell$-subgroups of $G(k)$.
In other words, what you are calling $G(k)^+$ has a definition (due to Tits) that makes sense over any field: it is the (visibly normal!) subgroup of $G(k)$ generated by $U(k)$'s as $U$ varies through the unipotent radicals of the minimal parabolic $k$-subgroups of $G$. This is alluded to in Jim Humphreys' answer. So now it makes sense to ask about the commutativity of $G(k)/G(k)^+$ for any field $k$.
Since $G/G'$ is a torus, obviously
$G(k)^+ = G'(k)^+$. Since $\widetilde{G}' \rightarrow G'$ is a central quotient map between connected semisimple groups, it restricts to isomorphisms between unipotent radicals of minimal parabolic $k$-subgroups (by the Borel--Tits relative structure theory), so $\widetilde{G}'(k)^+ \rightarrow G'(k)^+$ is surjective. Thus,
$$G(k)/G(k)^+ = {\rm{coker}}(\widetilde{G}'(k)^+ \rightarrow G(k)).$$
In other words, does the commutator subgroup of $G(k)$ lie in the image of $\widetilde{G}'(k)^+$?
Now comes a step that uses algebraic geometry quotients in an essential manner: I claim that the commutator morphism of varieties $c:G \times G \rightarrow G$ factors through the natural $k$-homomorphism $f:\widetilde{G}' \rightarrow G$. The crux of the matter is that $f$ induces an isomorphism between maximal central quotients; i.e., it maps $\widetilde{G}'/Z_{\widetilde{G}'}$ isomorphically onto $G/Z_G$. Consequently, for any $g_1, g_2 \in G(A)$ for a $k$-algebra $A$, fppf-locally on Spec($A$) the images $\overline{g}_i \in (G/Z_G)(A)$ lift to points $\widetilde{g}_i$ of $\widetilde{G}'$ (valued in an fppf $A$-algebra $A'$), with the lift ambiguous up to translation by $Z_{\widetilde{G}'}$. Such central translations wipe out when forming the commutator $(\widetilde{g}_1, \widetilde{g}_2) \in \widetilde{G}'$, so by descent theory we have defined a $k$-scheme morphism $G \times G \rightarrow \widetilde{G}'$ that does the job.
This proves the claim. (Of course, this claim is known by more classical means, but I think that the viewpoint of fppf group sheaves provides the only proof which proceeds "as if" these were ordinary groups without getting hung up on special contortions due to inseparable isogenies.)
OK, the algebraic geometry has done its work, and we conclude that $G(k)/G(k)^+$ is commutative provided that $\widetilde{G}'(k)^+ = \widetilde{G}'(k)$. In other words, the answer (now over a general field) is affirmative provided that the analogous quotient for $\widetilde{G}'$ is trivial. In other words, we are reduced to a refinement of the original question (over the same ground field we started with): if $G$ is simply connected semisimple then is $G(k)^+ = G(k)$?
Well, we can assume $G \ne 1$, so $G = \prod {\rm{R}}_{k_i/k}(G_i)$ (Weil restrictions) for some finite separable extension fields $k_i/k$ and absolutely simple and simply connected semisimple $k_i$-groups $G_i$. The bijection between parabolic $k$-subgroups of $G$ and collections of such $P_i \subset G_i$ (via Weil restriction) thereby identifies $G(k)^+$ with $\prod G_i(k_i)^+$, so at the cost of working over each $k_i$ separately we may arrange moreover that $G$ is absolutely simple. Moreover, in the case of finite $k$ we know that $G$ is isotropic (since there's always Borel subgroup defined over the ground field).
The upshot is that we are reduced to the following question (as the cost of replacing
the original ground field with finite separable extensions, so a good reason not to have restricted only to prime finite fields at the start): if $G$ is a connected semisimple $k$-group that is simply connected, absolutely simple, and $k$-isotropic then does $G(k)^+ = G(k)$? This question is called the "Kneser-Tits Conjecture", and it has an interesting history (and its own Wikipedia page). It can fail over some fields, and was recently solved over global fields in the final thorniest cases in the affirmative. The special case of finite fields was settled a long time ago by Steinberg, who proved it more generally in the quasi-split case over any field (which for finite fields is the general case).
Sorry for rambling so much about this, but I think it is important to recognize that irrespective of the theory of BN-pairs, the true underlying problem is a question of an equality in the absolutely simple simply connected case (over a possibly bigger finite field). Of course, to attack this refined problem over finite fields, or more generally in the quasi-split case over any field, BN-pairs are the tool of choice (and the answer is always affirmative).