Consider the simple undirected graph $G$ with natural equivalence relation $\sim$ on $V(G)$:
$u\sim v$ iff they are similar, i.e. iff there exists $\phi\in Aut(G)$ with $\phi(u)=v$.
Define a "quotient graph" $G_{Aut}$ in the following way:
$V(G_{Aut})=V(G)/\sim$ and there is an edge $A-B$ iff $\exists \ a\in A, b\in B$ with $ab\in E(G)$.
Conjecture: If in $G$ every pair of similar vertices are non-adjacent, then $G_{Aut}\subset G \ ?$
ADDED: As Anton showed, this conjecture is false. But what one can said if $G$ is a tree? Does conjecture remains false?