It is well known that $$Z(x,q) = \prod_{n=1}^\infty\frac{1}{(1-xq^n)} = \sum_{m=0}^\infty\sum_{k=0}^m p_{m,k}x^kq^m$$ is the generating function for the number $p_{m,k}$ of partitions of $m$ in precisely $k$ parts (or equivalently of partitions of $m$ with maximal part exactly $k$). It is also well known that the numbers $p_{m,k}$ satisfy the recurrence relation $$p_{m.k}=p_{m-1,k-1} + p_{m-k,k}$$ where, of course, $p_{m,m+k}=0$ for all $k>0$.
I am interested in the numbers $$Z(x,q)Z(1/x,q) = \sum_{m=0}^\infty\sum_{k=-m}^m c_{m,k}x^kq^m\,.$$ If we say that $p_{-m,k}=0$ for all $m>0$, $p_{m,-k}=0$ for all $k>0$ and $p_{0,k}=\delta_{k,0}$, then we have $$c_{m,k}=\sum_{m'=0}^\infty\sum_{k'=0}^\infty p_{m',k'}p_{m-m',k+k'}\,.$$ Furthermore, we have the recurrence relation $$ c_{m,k}=c_{m-1,k-1}+c_{m-k,k}-c_{m-k-1,k+1} $$ for all $0<k\leq m$. As the definition of the $c_{m,k}$ is symmetric in $k$, this extends in the obvious way to all $-m\leq k<0$. However, I cannot find a recurrence relation for the case $k=0$, i.e. for $c_{m,0}$. Does anyone know such a recurrence relation?
The numbers $c_{m,0}$ are a known sequence in OEIS, but so far the information provided did not help me to come up with a recurrence relation.