An ideal $J$ of a ring $A$ is a heredity ideal of $A$ if:
$J$ is a projective $A$-module;
$J (\operatorname{Rad}A)J=0$.
A (unitary) semiprimary ring $A$ is said to be quasihereditary if there exists a chain of ideals of $A$, $$0=J_0 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq J_i \subseteq \cdots J_n =A,$$ such that $J_i/J_{i-1}$ is a hereditary ideal of $A/J_{i-1}$ for all $i$.
Let $A$ be a (semiprimary) quasihereditary ring which is not noetherian. Is it possible that $A$ has a heredity chain $$0=J_0 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq J_i \subseteq \cdots J_n =A$$ such that $J_i/J_{i-1}$ is not finitely generated over $A$ for some $i$?