I do not know if this would qualify for you as a solution using Kac's lemma, but here it goes ...
The elementary version of Kac's lemma for an irreducible Markov chain with unique stationary distribution $\pi$ states that the expected return time of each state $a$ is $1/\pi(a)$. This follows from the ergodic theory version if you consider the (one-sided) Markov shift associated to the Markov chain and look at the return time of the cylinder set $\{(\omega_i)_{i\geq 0}: \omega_0=a\}$.
As Sesh mentioned, you can formulate your problem in terms of a Markov chain whose states are all the words of length $5$ on $\{\mathtt{H},\mathtt{T}\}$ with transitions $w_0w_1w_2w_3w_4\to w_1w_2w_3w_4\mathtt{H}$ and $w_0w_1w_2w_3w_4\to w_1w_2w_3w_4\mathtt{T}$ of equal probability from each state $w_0w_1w_2w_3w_4$. This is the $5$-bit shift register chain. The stationary distribution is uniform, so if $T_u$ denotes the first time $>0$ the shift register is in state $u:=\mathtt{HTHTH}$, we have $\mathbb{E}_u T_u=32$, where $\mathbb{E}_u$ is the expected value if the shift register is initialized with $u$.
However, you ask for $\mathbb{E}_\varnothing T_u$, where I am using $\mathbb{E}_\varnothing$ to to denote the expectation if the initial state has no overlap with $u$ (or if the shift register is empty, if you will).
Conditioning on the first two coin flips we get
\mathbb{E}_uT_u &=
\frac{1}{2}(1+\mathbb{E}_{\mathtt{H}}T_u) + \frac{1}{4}2 +
\frac{1}{4}(2+\mathbb{E}_\varnothing T_u) \;.
The first term is for when the first flip comes up $\mathtt{H}$, the second for when the first two flips turn out $\mathtt{TH}$ (hence returning to $u$) and the third for if the first two flips are $\mathtt{TT}$. I am writing $\mathbb{E}_{\mathtt{H}}$ for the expectation if the initial state has the form $w_0w_1w_2w_3 \mathtt{H}$ and the only possible overlap with $u$ is with the last bit.
A similar equation can be written for $\mathbb{E}_\varnothing T_u$ by conditioning on the first flip:
\mathbb{E}_\varnothing T_u &=
\frac{1}{2}(1+\mathbb{E}_{\mathtt{H}}T_u) +
Solving the two equations for $\mathbb{E}_\varnothing T_u$ we get
\mathbb{E}_\varnothing T_u &=
\frac{1}{3} (4\cdot \mathbb{E}_u T_u - 2) = \frac{4\times 32 - 2}{3} = 42 \;.
However, I hesitate to call this a solution using Kac's lemma, because the proof of Kac's lemma (the elementary version) is as simple, and uses the same kind of conditioning.