Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field and $G$ an algebraic group over $k$ which is also a $k$-variety (so $G$ is integral, etc). Let $I$ be the ideal defining the identity $e \in G$ and let $\{ t_1, \ldots, t_n \} \subseteq I$ be a set of local parameters at $e$. Since $e$ is a smooth point, the $t_i$ are algebraically independent and we naturally obtain a $k$-algebra embedding $k[t_1, \ldots, t_n] \hookrightarrow k[G]$. Let $A$ denote the subalgebra of $k[G]$ thus defined.
I do not expect that $A$ will be a sub-Hopf algebra of $k[G]$ (in particular, I see no reason why the comultiplication should preserve $A$), but I don't know any concrete examples. So I have two questions: (1) Is there a specific example of an algebraic group $G$ as above such that $A$ is not a sub-Hopf algebra of $k[G]$? (2) Are there nice conditions on $G$ under which $A$ will be a sub-Hopf algebra of $k[G]$?