Is there a way to turn a free resolution of a $k$-algebra $A$ into a resolution of the field of fractions $Q(A)$?
Specifically, I'm interested in the ring of polynomials in two variables: $A = k[x,y]$. It's Koszul, so I can write down a nice resolution of $A$ in terms of $A \otimes A^{op}$ modules. (Technically, I found some of my old notes where I worked it out for the quantum plane $k_q[x,y]$ and set $q=1$; I'm going to happily assume this works, as it didn't require $q$ not to be a root of unity.)
How do I turn this into a resolution of $Q(A) = k(x,y)$?
I'm fairly sure the theory must exist, eg there's a notion of "evenly localizable" in some of Zhang and Yekutieli's papers for noncommutative dualizing complexes, but I haven't managed to trace it back to the commutative theory.
I wondered if I could just tensor the complex with $Q(A) \otimes_A - $ and $- \otimes_A Q(A)$, but maybe there's an easier way? Suggestions or references both welcome; essentially I only need the resolution for this one algebra, but I'd love to understand more generally how it works as well.
$Q(A) \otimes Q(A)^{op}$
-modules (equivalently $Q(A)$−bimodules), I guess? The end goal is the Hochschild cohomology of $k(x,y)$. $\endgroup$