So I'm doing research in control theory and I have been stuck with this problem for a while. Let me explain my issue, then my proposal, and finally my concrete question.
Problem: I have $m<n$ real $n\times n$ positive definite matrices $P_1,\dotsc,P_m$. These define ellipsoids $E_i=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^n\mathrel:x^TP_ix=1\}$. I'm interested in the points that lie in the intersection of all these ellipsoids (let's call it $E\mathrel{:=}\bigcap_{i=1}^mE_i$ for short). However, there are points which are troublesome (let's called them non regular). A point $x$ is non regular if
- $x\in E$.
- The vectors $\{P_1x,\dotsc,P_mx\}$ are linearly dependent.
So, matrices $P_1,\dotsc,P_m$ that induce non regular points are problematic in my case. And ideally I would want to show that these matrices can be perturbed a little such that these non regular points disappear.
Proposal: I want to show that given $P_1,\dotsc,P_m$, if you substitute $P_i\leftarrow P_i+\varepsilon_i$ with $\varepsilon_i$ a random matrix with elements uniformly distributed in $[-\epsilon,\epsilon]$ (or some other distribution if desired), the probability of a point $x\in E$ to be nonregular is 0. Or equivalently that $x$ is "regular" almost surely for any $\epsilon>0$.
Now, for $\{P_1x,\dotsc,P_mx\}$ to be linearly independent (with $P_i$ taking into account the random matrices $\varepsilon_i$) we require the existence of coefficients $\alpha_1,\dotsc,\alpha_m$ such that the matrix $H=\sum_{i=1}^m \alpha_i P_i$ is singular. Thus, non regular points $x$ must lie in the intersection of $E$ and the kernel of $H$. Moreover, since $x^THx=0$ and $x^TP_ix=1$, thus $\sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i=0$. Existence of coefficients $\alpha_i$ with these characteristics (with $\sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i=0$ and $H$ singular) are guaranteed as described in the answer of this other question of mine here, so my hope to show that $H$ is non-singular almost surely vanished. But I can still try to show that the probability $P(\text{$\{x\in E\}$ and $\{x\in\operatorname{ker} H\}$})=0$.
More context: This question arises since I'm looking for a "special" point $x^*\in E$ (say optimal in the sense of an objective $x^TA_0x$ with $A_0$ positive definite) and I want to make sure (or at least almost sure) that $x^*$ is regular.
Do you think this approach is correct in order to make (almost) sure that the "optimal point" $x^*$ is regular?
Do you think such statement (that we can show that disturbing a little the matrices will make non regular points disappear) is true?
Do you have any idea how I can approach this problem to show such a statement?
Do you suggest any other approach?
Hopefully this is the right forum to ask this question. I'm not trying to find a full solution here of course. At this point, any suggestion is valuable for me.
P.S. I'm quite new to this site, so I'll try to choose the best tags. However, I would I appreciate if someone can add/remove tags if needed.
This example appeals mostly to intuition, sorry if I'm not too rigorous in this part: Consider $P_1=\text{diag}(1,1,2)$ and $P_2=\text{diag}(1,1,4)$. Clearly, the intersection of $E_1$ and $E_2$ is the unit circle on the "floor". This is, $E=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^3: x = (x_1,x_2,0)^T, x_1^2+x_2^2=1\}$. Moreover, any point in $E$ have $P_1x=P_2x$. Hence, all points in $E$ are non regular. However, it should be easy to show (in this example) that disturbing a little $P_1,P_2$ will prevent the intersection to be full of non regular points, since $P_1,P_2$ were very carefully chosen (are a very degenerate case). They (non regular points) may not disappear completely, but my intuition is that they will lie in a set of measure zero, and therefore any $x\in E$ will be regular almost surely. However, I don't have any intuition on what might happen in higher dimensions.