
Suppose that $f(x,y)$ is a continuously differentiable function and $g(x,y) =xy-f(x,y)$. I know that $g$ is concave if and only if $(-f_{xx})(-f_{yy}) -(1-f_{xy}) ^{2}>0$ and $f_{xx}>0$.

Now suppose that I "travel" along the function $g$ on a path that satisfies $f_{x}=y$. Thus, along this path $f_{xy}=1$.

Is it correct that along the path the function $g$ is concave if and only if $ (-f_{xx}) (-f_{yy}) >0$ and $f_{xx}>0$ ? An explanation is much appreciated.

  • $\begingroup$ What do you mean by "along the path the function $g$ is concave"? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 28, 2020 at 18:59
  • $\begingroup$ I mean the following. Suppose that $\left( x_{1},y_{1}\right) ,\left( x_{2},y_{2}\right) $ and $\left( x_{3},y_{3}\right) $ satisfy $f_{x}\left( x_{1},y_{1}\right) =y_{1}$, $f_{x}\left( x_{2},y_{2}\right) =y_{2}$,$ f_{x}\left( x_{3},y_{3}\right) =y_{3}$ and $x_{2}=\lambda x_{1}+\left( 1-\lambda \right) x_{3}$ for some $\lambda \in \left( 0,1\right) $. Then $ f\left( x_{2},y_{2}\right) >\lambda f\left( x_{1},y_{1}\right) +\left( 1-\lambda \right) f\left( x_{3},y_{3}\right) $. Thanks! $\endgroup$
    – republic
    Commented Apr 28, 2020 at 19:20

1 Answer 1


Of course, your "if and only if" statement is incorrect. E.g., let $$f(x,y):=x^2/2+y^2/4.$$ Then your conditions $(-f_{xx})(-f_{yy})>0$ and $f_{xx}>0$ obviously hold. Further, here $f_x(x,y)=y$ means $y=x$, and hence the concavity of $g$ along the path means that $g(x,x)$ is concave in $x$. However, $g(x,x)=x^2/4$ is strictly convex, and thus not concave, in $x$.

As for your reasoning, if you try to formalize it, avoiding terms such as "along the path" and "travel", perhaps you will see where you made mistakes. Hints: (i) $f_x(x,y(x))=y(x)$ does not imply $f_{xy}(x,y(x))=1$ (you are confusing independent and dependent variables here) and (ii) the concavity of $g(x,y)$ in $(x,y)$ means that the restriction of $g$ to every straight line is concave, and this concavity does not in general imply any kind of concavity over curved lines.


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