Pyknotic and condensed sets have been introduced recently as a convenient framework for working with topological rings/algebras/groups/modules/etc. Recently there has been much (justified) excitement about these ideas and the theories coming from them, such as Scholze's analytic geometry. (Small note: the difference between pyknotic and condensed is essentially set-theoretic, as explained by Peter Scholze here.)
On the other side, cohesion is a notion first introduced by Lawvere many years ago that aims to axiomatise what it means to be a category of "spaces". It has been developed further by Schreiber in the context of synthetic higher differential geometry (and also by Shulman in cohesive HoTT and by Rezk in global homotopy theory, to give a few other names in this direction).
Recently, David Corfield started a very interesting discussion on the relation between these two notions at the $n$-Category Café. The aim of this question is basically to ask what's in the title:
What is the precise relation between pyknoticity and cohesiveness?
Along with a few subquestions:
- (On algebraic cohesion) It seems to me that the current notion of cohesion only works for smooth, differential-geometric spaces: we don't really have a good notion of algebraic cohesion (i.e. cohesion for schemes/stacks/etc.) or $p$-adic variants (rigid/Berkovich/adic/etc. spaces). Is this indeed the case?
- (On the relevance of cohesion to AG and homotopy theory) Despite its very young age, it's already clear that condensed/pyknotic technology is very useful and is probably going to be fruitfully applied to problems in homotopy theory and algebraic geometry. Can the same be said of cohesion?
- (On "condensed cohesion") Cohesion is a relative notion: not only do we have cohesive topoi but also cohesive morphisms of topoi, which recover the former in the special case of cohesive morphisms to the punctual topos. Scholze has suggested in the comments of the linked $n$-CatCafé discussion that we should not only consider cohesion with respect to $\mathrm{Sets}$, but also to condensed sets. What benefits does this approach presents? Is this (or some variant of this idea) a convenient notion of "cohesion" for algebraic geometry?