In design theory the following is the defintion of a packing :
Definition : A $(v,k)$-packing is a pair $(V, \mathcal{B})$ of a finite set $V$ of cardinality $\vert V \vert = v$ and a finite set $\mathcal{B}$ of $k$-subsets of $V$ is a of order $v$ and block size $k$ such that any pair of elements of $V$ appears in at most one element of $\mathcal{B}$. The elements of $S$ are the points, and those of $\mathcal{B}$ are the blocks.
One of the interesting problems related to packings is finding a $(v,k)$-packing with the maximal number of blocks. Let $D(v,k)$ denote the number of blocks in a maximal packing. This is a well-studied problem. I am interested only in a particular case $k=6$ but I could not find any papers studying it?
Question: What is the minimum number $v_0$ for which $D(v_0,6)\geq 100$ ? is there any online database for packings (like the one available for coverings)?
It know that $66 \geq v_0\geq 56$, the first bound is because of the existence of a block design $(66,6,1)$ and the second bound follows from the Johnson bound $$D(v,k) \leq \left\lfloor \frac v k \left\lfloor \frac {v-1}{k-1}\right\rfloor \right\rfloor$$.
Edit: if I understand well the relation between packings and constant weight codes then what I am looking for is the smallest $v_0$ such that $A(v_0,10,6)\geq 100$ in this website there is a lot of bounds on those numbers, in particular, $A(60,10,6) \geq 104$ from $TD(6,10)–TD(6,2)$ (with $96$ blocks) and adding six $6$-lines in the groups and two $6$-lines in the hole. But I don't know how to construct the packing from this information?
This implies that $v_0 \leq 60$ (only four values remaining, probably an open problem)