Yes, this is proved in by Thomas Nikolaus and Steffen Sagave.
If you need a specific monoidal left Quillen equivalence, you can upgrade Dugger's result to the symmetric monoidal setting. One proceeds as in Dugger's proof. Start with the Reedy model structure on simplicial objects. Equip it with the degreewise monoidal product, which turns it into a monoidal model category (see, e.g., Ghazel-Kadhi). Now perform a left Bousfield localization with respect to hocolim-equivalences, as in Dugger's proof. The resulting model category is a monoidal because monoidal products preserve filtered colimits (see, e.g., Gorchinskiy-Guletskii). A symmetric monoidal Quillen equivalence connects it to the original category, like in Dugger's proof.