It is well-known that the (augmented) simplex category is the universal monoidal category with a monoid object. What about a commutative analogue? Consider the category $\mathsf{FinSet}$ of finite sets. It is a symmetric monoidal category with tensor product $\coprod$ and unit $\emptyset$. It contains a commutative monoid $\{\star\}$, which seems to be the universal one: For every symmetric monoidal category $\mathcal{C}$ the assignment $F \mapsto F(\{\star\})$ provides an equivalences of categories
$\mathrm{Hom}_{\otimes}(\mathsf{FinSet},\mathcal{C}) \cong \mathrm{CMon}(\mathcal{C}).$
Here, $\mathrm{Hom}_{\otimes}$ denotes the category of strong symmetric monoidal functors (not assumed to be strict).
Question 1. This should be well-known, is there a reference in the literature?
Question 2. Is there any description of the category $\mathsf{FinSet}$ using generators and relations, i.e. an elementary description of $\mathrm{Hom}_{\mathrm{Cat}}(\mathsf{FinSet},-)$? Since every map of finite sets is a bijection followed by a monotonic map, or vice versa, I expect that we need face maps, degeneracies and transpositions as generators. What are the relations? Is this written down in the literature?
Question 3. An answer to question 2 will also describe presheaves on $\mathsf{FinSet}$, which are simplicial sets with a certain extra structure. Do they have a geometric interpretation and are these geometric objects used somewhere? In some sense, this corrects the failure of the join of simplicial sets to be commutative.
Edit after Eric's comment. Ok, Q3 was already answered on MO. The objects are called symmetric simplicial sets. Relevant papers are Higher Fundamental Functors for Simplicial Sets by M. Grandis and Toposes generated by codiscrete objects in combinatorial topology and functional analysis by F. W. Lawvere and Left-determined model categories and universal homotopy theories (Section 3) by J. Rosicky and W. Tholen.