Consider a set of fractions $\left\{1, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{3}, \ldots, \frac{1}{n}\right\}$. How many subsets of this set have sum at most 1? I'm interested in the asymptotics of this number.
Clearly, any subset of $\left\{\frac{1}{\lceil n/2 \rceil}, \ldots, \frac{1}{n}\right\}$ works, hence the answer is $\Omega(2^{n / 2})$. Can we show $\Omega(2^{\beta n})$ for $\beta > \frac{1}{2}$? Can we determine $\beta$ exactly? From numeric estimates of OEIS sequence $\beta$ seems to at least $0.88$ (link to the sequence and correction of the estimate due to Max Alekseyev).
The question arose while I was thinking about upper bounds for this question. Clearly, every divisibility antichain $I$ of $[n]$ must satisfy $\sum_{x \in I} \lfloor\frac{n}{x}\rfloor \leq n$, which is a very similar condition.
Post-mortem: while I accepted Lucia's answer (simply because it was the first to contain the correct answer and some reasoning to why it is correct), the whole discussion here is very valuable. Be sure to also check out js21's answer with an approach based on large deviations method, and RaphaelB4's answer for a more off-the-ground explanation of the method. In a comment Jay Pantone shared a link to a paper on series analysis, in particular, the differential approximation method allows to obtain the same answer with high precision and is, without doubt, a great practical tool. Kudos to all of you guys! What a great day to learn.