
It is a classical fact (e.g. here) that for an (accessible) right adjoint comonad on a (sheaf) topos, its Eilenberg-Moore category of coalgebras is itself a (sheaf) topos.

I suppose this remains true for $\infty$-toposes, for hypercomplete $\infty$-stack $\infty$-toposes at least? (But not assuming that the comonad is idempotent.)

  • $\begingroup$ Do you know that the forgetful functor from coalgebras preserves and reflects colimits and pullbacks? If so, the characterization of ∞-topoi by descent (prop 3 here) immediately implies that coalgebras form an ∞-topos. $\endgroup$ Commented May 14, 2015 at 22:06
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. You mean "do you know if" rather than "do you know that", right? Am in a rush now, will check later. $\endgroup$ Commented May 15, 2015 at 6:53
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, sorry, that's what I meant. The reflection part follows from conservativity of the forgetful functor, which is left adjoint, so I think the only thing to check is the preservation of pullbacks. $\endgroup$ Commented May 15, 2015 at 11:59
  • $\begingroup$ maybe with section 6.3 of Riehl-Verity 13 ncatlab.org/nlab/show/(infinity,1)-monad#RiehlVerity13 Unfortunately, I am still in a rush now to receive a guest, will come back to this a little later. $\endgroup$ Commented May 15, 2015 at 12:09
  • $\begingroup$ Indeed, Theorem 6.3.8 does the trick! So coalgebras satisfy descent, but do they form an accessible ∞-category? $\endgroup$ Commented May 15, 2015 at 13:35

1 Answer 1


If $E$ is an ∞-topos and $T: E \to E$ is an accessible left exact comonad, then indeed the ∞-category $E^T$ of $T$-coalgebras is an ∞-topos. Moreover, it is hypercomplete if $E$ is. I will first show:

Lemma. Let $E'$ be presentable and let $U:E'\to E$ be a conservative functor that preserves colimits and pullbacks. Then $E'$ is an ∞-topos.

Proof. Recall that a presentable ∞-category $E'$ is an ∞-topos iff it satisfies descent, which means the following: If $a,b: K^\triangleright \to E'$ are cones, $\phi: a \Rightarrow b$ is a natural transformation, $b$ is a colimit, and $\phi$ is cartesian on $K$, then $a$ is a colimit iff $\phi$ is cartesian. In our situation, by the hypotheses on $U$, $a$ is a colimit iff $Ua$ is a colimit iff $U\phi$ is cartesian iff $\phi$ is cartesian. //

If $T$ is an accessible comonad on $E$, $E^T$ is accessible since it can be written as a limit of accessible ∞-categories. Moreover, the forgetful functor $U: E^T\to E$ creates colimits and is conservative ([1] and If $T$ is left exact, then $U$ is also left exact ([2] Corollary 5.5).

So the lemma implies that $E^T$ is an ∞-topos. Moreover, the forgetful functor $U$ is the left adjoint of a geometric morphism. Since $U$ preserves connectivity and is conservative, $E'$ is hypercomplete if $E$ is.

[1] J. Lurie, Higher Algebra

[2] E. Riehl and D. Verity, Completeness results for quasi-categories of algebras, homotopy limits, and related general constructions


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