I was wondering how mathematicians of today would treat, for example, Euler's proof of zeta(2).
In William Dunham's book 'Journey through Genius' ( http://www.amazon.com/Journey-through-Genius-Theorems-Mathematics/dp/014014739X ), the writer states (more or less) that most mathematicians of today wouldn't aprove of Euler's methods, as his treatment of the 'infinite' doesn't uphold to today's modern standards of rigour.
His evaluation of Zeta(2) and all other even zeta-arguments op to Zeta(26) was correct, however. Would Euler's proofs get published in a well-respected math journal?
(Of course, his papers would now be written in english and the would-be published results aren't known to the mathematical community, yet).
Thanks in advance,
Max Muller
PS: O.K. everyone, I think many of you have stressed some important points regarding this question. I can't choose one, which is why I have upvoted some of your answers and left the question as it is. Thank you for your thoughts.
PPS: I'm sorry for the confusing title of the question in its previous form. I hope you all think it is stated better now.